Formless Shape: 境界のないものの在りかた
Formless Shape: The state of things without boundaries
2010 | プロダクトデザイン | 卒業制作
Formless Shapeは、「かたちのないかたち」を目指して試行錯誤を重ねる中で発見した、ベルクロテープと粘土の中間の性質を持つユニットです。このポリアミド樹脂で出来たユニットは、塊にすると互いに絡み合い、練りゴムや粘土のように感覚的な操作で様々な形をつくることができます。使用者が状況に合わせて最適な形を与えることで、この塊はカーテンやテディベア、フロアマット、ソファなど、様々な形・機能を発現します。この塊の性質は、Cの字型の小さなユニットが互いに絡まりあうことで生まれています。ユニットのCの字型の開き具合や一つ一つの大きさ、材質などを変更することで、塊の粘り強さや手触りの柔らかさ、剛性などを任意に設計できます。
Formless Shape is a unit with properties somewhere between Velcro tape and clay, which I discovered through trial and error in my quest to create "formless shapes". This unit made of polyamide resin intertwines with each other when clumped together, and can be manipulated sensitively like rubber paste or clay to create a variety of shapes. By giving the clump the most appropriate shape to suit the situation, the clump can take on various forms and functions, such as curtains, teddy bears, floor mats, and sofas. The nature of this mass is created by the intertwining of small C-shaped units with each other. By changing the degree of opening of the C shape of the units, the size of each unit, and the materials used, the tenacity, softness to the touch, and rigidity of the mass can be designed as desired.
The relationship between us and the tools that surround us is determined by the shape of the tool and the function that the shape creates. And because the function is realized by the form, when the form is lost, the function is lost at the same time. However, this mass of a unit has no specific form or function until the user creates something. And since it does not have a specific form, there is no boundary between broken and unbroken. For this reason, I believe that this unit can be a clue for us to imagine a new kind of product that does not have a specific form.
本作品は、美術系大学の卒業制作を対象としたコンペティション MCJDA 三菱ケミカルジュニアデザイナーアワード2011において大賞を受賞しました。濱田芳治准教授、アワード審査員の方々ならびに関係者の皆様、ありがとうございました。